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Funny happy birthday poems

I wish you happy birthday,
Smiles, fun, good friends around,
To make everything happen today,
And have wonderful events a great amount!

Happy birthday, my dear,
Today is your best day,
Feel the happy joy; let your best desirable dream appear,
And everlasting luck will come and stay!

Happy birthday, dear friend,
Today is your Angel day,
Set unbelievable goals and achieve them,
And never give up before new heights made.

I wish you happiness and good luck,
To make your life varied and so much fun,
On your birthday, let all your dreams spark,
And may there be prosperity and love in your life forever young.

Happy birthday, my dear!
Let this wonderful year
Give you luck and much money.
You deserve it simply, honey.

Let true love can come to you,
Let you never feel so blue.
You will get all that you wish
Even if you don’t catch Goldfish.

Today you were born,
And the world got another wonderful person in its ranks,
Be happy, healthy and strong,
And be surrounded by only good friends.

My dear friend, my coolest mate,
We’ve come to you to celebrate
Your birthday. And we wish you love.
You are so friendly, so tough.

Let’s use this once-a-year chance
To have much fun, to sing and dance.
This year will bring you much wealth,
Success, luck, and only good health!

You know, the years don’t mean
That you are getting old.
You’re just improving every skill,
And experience in life is like a gold.

Happy birthday to the sweatiest person,
I wish you tons of good memories this year,
Have a strong health, and may your love blossom,
May your loved ones always be near.

Take this gift, buddy. Smile,
And relax, mate, for a while.
It’s your birthday, you must rest
And take pleasure of the best
Friends’ presence. We are here,
And we’ll bring you much joy, dear!
Let us simply celebrate,
This event — it is not late:
We can dance and even sing —
Birthday is the coolest thing!

Let all your wishes be on fire
Of this amazing candles.
You are the person I admire,
May your happiness be endless.

May your future be exciting, honey,
May your life be always bright,
May your pocket be filled with money,
And you will never feel tight.

Every birthday comes one a year.
So, let’s make a big party, my dear.
You will gets lot of greetings and gifts,
May the health be number one in your list.

Let yourself do everything
That you like most,
And if you will need anything,
I will be beside, you won’t be lost.

I wish you love and wealthy fortune,
And many, many kind deeds.
And let you have the richest future,
And lots of active, friendly meets.

Let be your birthday like the tale,
With fairy gifts and magic dreams.
I wish you joy and only smile,
Just live with pleasure, eating sweets.

Oh, good for you: you’ve never looked so fresh.
Don’t get me wrong, but just like Jesus in the flesh.
Nobody’s right whenever you are called ‘too old’
Your age is nothing more than a construct.

You’re still a player, with a vibrant and young soul.
You’re still a gambler, taking risks at life.
Deep down, I want you to remain this happy roll
So that no words would ever harm you anymore.

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Poems: 61




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